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Lower Impact Living

maximise joy | Minimise impact

I want to…



Check our our latest blog by guest contributor Rebecca Kowlaski. This is the first in a series of posts about the power of you choices when it comes to banking, saving and investing. You might think that where you put your money doesn’t make a difference, but if we all move our money to greener bank accounts, pension providers and so on, together that’s HUGE!

Check it our here

The Lil Reuse Suitcases - bags of excellent quality clothes sorted by size from baby to ladies & menswear and all the sizes in between plus shoes and accessories - are stored at The Mart, East Linton and accessible anytime, free of charge. If you wish to visit to find new to you items or donate good quality clothes & accessories please use the request form and Louise will be in touch.


Lower Impact Living CIC, or Lil for short, is a social enterprise. 100% of funds are invested in supporting and delivering projects(not in shareholders pockets). If you would like to support this work, we very much welcome volunteers, skills and £ donations. You can donate £ via Paypal’s secure system by hitting the donate button below. Thanks - Love ya!


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